
Meet the team behind SER

Mr Stuart Rechner

Executive Director

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Mr Stuart Rechner BSc LLB MAIG MAusIMM GAICD

An experienced company director and geologist specialising in project generation, evaluation and acquisition. Mr Rechner holds degrees in both geology and law and is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. For over ten years Mr Rechner was an Australian diplomat responsible for the resources sector with postings to Beijing and Jakarta. 

Dr David Detata

Managing Director

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Dr David DeTata BSc MSc PhD MBA GAICD

An accomplished scientist and exploration executive who has served as Managing Director since 2021. David brings 20-years’ of experience in designing and delivering various science-based R&D projects and as a Director managing projects within government, public and private companies.

Mr Anthony Mcintosh

Non-Executive Director

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Mr McIntosh BCom GAICD

Mr McIntosh has extensive experience in investor relations and strategic planning as well as a strong and well-established network of stockbroking and investment fund managers.

Mr McIntosh is currently a non-executive director of ASX Listed Companies Koonenberry Gold and K-Tig Ltd as well as several unlisted and not-for-profit organisations while also managing the McIntosh family investment company which invests in listed and unlisted securities and property.

Mr Tony Gu

Non-Executive Director

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Mr Tony Gu BCom BAppFin GAICD

Mr Gu is a Partner and the Head of Research at Datt Capital, a Melbourne based specialist investment manager known for consistently high returns in the resources sector.

Mr Gu brings over a decade of experience in capital markets and investor relations and will assist SER in maximising value from the projects we generate through his extensive industry networks

The Core Values that define our Vision are:

Science Driven

Frontier Exploration

Share Risk & Reward

Good Conduct is Good Business

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